stage 1 - measured surveys
As part of our service we will carry out a measured survey of your existing home to allow us to start with an accurate set of existing drawings, which is important when proceeding to the ideas and concept stage.
stage 2 - ideas & concept design
During the ideas and concept design stage, we will explore your brief and may offer several options or 'sketch schemes' appropriate to your needs. These ideas are explored and presented through various methods and may involve hand and/or computer aided drawings (CAD) and conceptual 3D modelling in order to best present and communicate our ideas to you.
stage 3 - detail design drawings
Following an agreed concept, we will begin to develop the scheme into a set of refined and scaled drawings. These drawings will form the basis of a planning and/or listed building application if required, and also allow you to approach builders or contractors for initial estimated build costs.
stage 4 - planning and listed building approvals
Larger scale projects will require planning permission from the local planning authority, and if your existing property is listed, listed building consent will also be required. Our detailed design drawings will form the base information required for these applications to the local planning authority. We will manage this process, producing supporting information and making the application upon your behalf. We will also assist and liaise with the local authority and other expert consultants who may also need to provide supporting documents as part of a valid application.
stage 5 - building control & technical drawings
Almost all building projects will require some element of building control approval. For simpler projects, an appointed contractor can manage the process directly with either the local authority or a private and approved inspector of your choosing. But where needed, we can assist in the development of detailed plans and liaise with other consultants such as structural engineers, to develop a pack of information to be submitted to building control prior to your project starting on site. These detailed drawings can then be given to your builder along with appropriate details to ensure the design vision is carried through to the completion of your project.
additional services
If you are interested in asking about our interior design service please click here for more information.